Friday, March 15, 2013

My Book Characters

These are the main characters so far of my book. What do you think when you see them? 
What kind of personality do you picture with each person? Who do you think the point of view character is? Please comment! 

Gordon Cameron

Melinda Cameron

Dayton Fisher

Lottie McBride
James Cameron

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Help! I am trying to choose between two stories to send for the Teen Writer's Conference writing contest. Could I get your opinions on which one I should do?
Here are the stories I am considering:
-Part One of the Fairy Tale Add-On Story (I've been writing it with Megan and Tova)
-The very beginning of my Random Person story (from a writing prompt)

Let me know soon what your opinions are.
Jemison Stripes