Friday, March 15, 2013

My Book Characters

These are the main characters so far of my book. What do you think when you see them? 
What kind of personality do you picture with each person? Who do you think the point of view character is? Please comment! 

Gordon Cameron

Melinda Cameron

Dayton Fisher

Lottie McBride
James Cameron


  1. The pictures won't show up for me, so I don't know what they look like.

    -Jemison Stripes

  2. OK, here goes:
    Gordon: He is a big brohter, I'm assuming, and looks protective. He is guarded about his feelings, and tries to be in control of the situation.
    Melinda: 1) A sweet, helpful girl, and an optimist
    2) A mindless flirt.
    Dayton: Looks like the smart one of the group, but not a brainy-ack. Looks pleasant.
    Lottie: Definitely the type of girl who knows more than anyone else what is going on. Very cryptic, and everyone loves her.
    James: A cynical little brother. Needs something to cheer him up. Or maybe not. The more I look at the picture, the more he grows on me. He looks like he knows reality and accepts it. He looks like a cautios "doer"
    Helpful? :)
    Good luck!

    1. Sorry about the typos :S

    2. Thanks! great ideas, and some of them are spot on!
      the only thing thats really compltely wrong is that gordon and melinda are married and james is there son. (it may not look like it because they look to young for it but it makes cense if i explain the whole thing)

  3. Oh1 And can Gordon turn into a chickadee? That was my first thought when I saw the pictures.

  4. Hey, Anna! How did you find these pictures for your characters? I want to get some for mine, too.
